Friday, September 9, 2011

1 a.m. honesty.

You're a great man. Way too patient, forgiving, caring. Way too nice for me. You work hard and always aim to make an impossible person like me happy. This is not how I use to picture love. This is not what I thought love would be for me. I'm super hard on myself and I expect everyone to be crucial just like me. And you are. You're simple and love simple.

I love you for everything you are, for being able to 'stand' me when I can't even 'stand' myself. Don't ever forget that. You have taught me how to love whether you may know it or not. You have taught me real love and its possibilities.

Saturday, August 27, 2011


"people with profound insights on life know not to get married and those who do, ought to know marriage is what you make it."

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

my whip.

I worked hard, dreamth of it. Took my eyes off it, but not my mind. Looked at several others, at the end of the day, it came back into my sight.My stubborness is a mutha.


I can say that for 23, I have been through quite a life..a blessed life. I try my hardest to see the up side to everything and keep the complains to a minimum bc I know we need hard times to appreciate the good. I say all that to say, I never gave up on myself...I ask God for two things: strength & faith. I don't only praise the good, I thank him every day regardless of the outcome. Be blessed!

Monday, August 22, 2011

that's my biiiiitch...

"Go harder than a n-- for a n--, go figure.
Told me "keep my own money" if we ever did split up.
How can somethin' so gangsta be so pretty in pictures?"

Houston Restaurant Weeks.

honey love.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

"I got dreams of holding a 9mm to bob's killer, asking him why as my eyes fill up. These days I can't wake up with a dry pillow, gone but not forgotten homes I still feel ya. So, curse the day that birth the bastard who caused your church mass...reverse the crash, reverse the blast, & reverse the car, reverse the day and there you are, bob allah. Lord forgive him, we all have sinned but bob's a good dude please let him in..." - Jay-Z

'nuff said.

one for one.


RUMBLE young girl, RUMBLE.

Friday, February 25, 2011


Truthfully speaking relationships are a chore. Having to live your life with someone else is difficult. Consideration, respect, attention, compromise, understanding are easier written than done in a companionship. Its very easy to lose yourself and become self-less when you constantly put another person first. We must always remember that if I can't be happy, I cannot make anyone else happy and happiness starts within. A lot of people do not understand this and want to force a relationship for the sake of a picture, or the title. But a picture is only a picture and a title doesn't matter if their isn't depth to the story. We must have depth and identity of ourselves so we know what we are not and what is not acceptable.

Just thinking and writting.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

logic VS emotion.

I always knew I was a logical thinker...but lately I see it more and more as I get older. I am convinced that I have a Type A personality so I have to deal with it.
I care more about work than my social life and I'd rather have a successful career than the "soccer mom" life. I have a very black and white answer to almost every question and am CONSTANTLY looking over my goals in my head. "when am i gonna finish this..what do i have to do to get that's not enough time..i have to do this to get this..." talk about STRESS. this works perfect because I don't like being in want or need for anything.

This is not to say that i'm an emotion-less freak, I just am wired to think with my mind vs heart.