Wednesday, September 29, 2010


I have always been a kinda humble person. Maybe because I don't like too much attention but mainly because I count my blessings. Today I got beside myself and did just that. It's an overwhelming feeling when we can stop for a second in a peaceful state and realize our beautiful surroundings. I mean really take it all in.

This morning I went for a long run at the trails and it was so beautiful and peaceful. Six-thirty in the morning, just got off of work and I felt like I could run for days. It was still dark out and the air was chilly. After jogging for two miles, I walked to a piece of concrete close to the pond and just stood there watching all of God's amazing creations. The grass, the trees, the birds, turtles, the water, the air, the sun. nature. I began to think about my blessings and became overwhelmed with emotion. Emotion from success, drive, opportunities, blessings, my life, everything. In this chaotic world where we deal with so much negativity, malice and irresponsibility there is also beauty. We have to every so often stop and exhale. And this morning I did. It felt great.

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