Friday, August 27, 2010

Wise Words.

“Love,” said Phaedrus, “is the oldest of the gods, and one of the most powerful. It is that principle which turns ordinary young people into heroes. For the lover is ashamed to act the coward in the presence of his beloved. Give me an army made up of lovers, and I can conquer the world.”
— Living Biographies of Great Philosophers, by Henry Thomas & Dana Lee Thomas

Lord, I ask for courage ~

Courage to face and conquer my own fears ...
Courage to take me where others will not go ...

I ask for strength ~
Strength of body to protect others,
and strength of spirit to lead others ...

I ask for dedication ~
Dedication to my job, to do it well,
Dedication to my community, to keep it safe ...

Give me, Lord, concern for those who trust me,
and compassion for those who need me ...
And please, Lord, through it all,
be at my side .

She tied her hair up, in a tight bun,
As her husband whispers, "Be Careful hon",
Gun in her holster, bulletproof vest on,
with a kiss to her husband, she was gone.

She enters the station, big smile on her face,
She moves with such ease, so full of grace.
Her colleagues admired her, for she's nice and smart,
Uniform and badge, she plays the part.

For she is a wife, mother, and a cop,
Who earned her place, at the very top
she is one in a million, from all the rest,
tough and fair, the very best.

She has seen some things, we dread to see,
she does her job, to protect you and me,
She's been kicked at, spat on, cracked a rib or two,
she shakes it all off, to protect me and you.

There are times, where her life comes close to an end,
But thanks to the help, of her brave cop friends.
She does a job, that a few would dare do,
She does her job proudly, with a smile too.

And when she comes home, at the end of her shift,
Kids in her arms, as her husband gives her a kiss,
She knows she made it through, another long day,
For tomorrow might be different, so she just prays

Friday, August 20, 2010

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Wise Words.

"But I didn't understand then. That I could hurt somebody so badly she would never recover. That a person can, just by living, damage another human being beyond repair."
— Haruki Murakami

Wise Words.

‎"His words are like the sound of a needle dragging across a record. A sinking, sickening feeling washes over me. This is why you should never, ever get your hopes up. This is why you should see the glass as half empty. So, when the whole things spills, you aren't as devastated." - Emily Giffin (Something Borrowed)

To My Soul Sistas.

I learned that although we want certain relationships to grow with each year, the reality is people change. Some for the better, others not so much. We meet different people every day, but some mean more than others. I have lost some friendships in the past. Just like a dating relationship we grow apart or have different plans in mind. The people who really mattered will always find a way back in our lives.

I have very few close relationships because I prefer quality over quantity. These are the people who I would do anything for. These are the people who I give 100% Teresita to on the daily basis. These people know me in and out, good, bad and fabulous. I owe these people a lot for trying to understand such a flawed person.

Every now and then I love just hanging out with my girls. Just us, our emotions and some alcohol. We share our deepest thoughts, lots of laughs and sometimes tears. These ARE the fruits of my labor. We work so damn hard every day, never giving up and then it's time to unwind. Time to just not give a fuck about anything in the world. Time to make fun of our decisions and the cards that are dealt. We don't judge each other, we just respect our choices. So here's to another drunken, funny and memorable night.

Although we are not blood sisters, we're soul sisters.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Currently Reading.

I got bit by the Emily Giffin bug! (thanks to my sister)
I love her books, they're everything a non-reader like myself ever dreamed of.
The movie to 'something borrowed' will be out in 2011. :)

First, I read
Now it's

Relationship Blues

Although I listen to r&b 24/7, when I listen to Mariah Carey & Toni Braxton it usually means one of two things: heartbreak or heartache.

(the old MC has unbelievable songs!)

I find myself having relationship blues and it can at times be hard to express my feelings without being rude. That's just the way I am. So there goes rounds 1-12.

There comes a time in every relationship when you question the purpose of it and the person who you are with. No one couple has a perfect relationship so there is no need to chase an impossible outcome. But for the sake of love we must learn to get along.

As women we can sometimes feel like we are taken for granted bc we do not get praised enough for our deeds. I do not need a parade, but at the same time show me that you appreciate me. I absolutely hate not being enough for someone when you went above and beyond. I am a certain kind of woman who likes to keep her dignity and is not desperate to be in love. My argument is appreciate what you have bc once I am gone, please believe I am not going to look back. I cook, clean, please you in every way and I have depth to myself.

I have no doubt in my body that you absolutely adore me, but showing it and saying it are two different animals.

Ahhhhh. and the venting continues. *turns up the music*

What's All The Fu#$@n' Fussin' For?!

I have been told before that I have no filter. Maybe I don't but most of the shit that comes out of my mouth is true. I don't take people's feeling into consideration a lot. Unless I genuinely care about them. That's not to say that I am a complete bitch. I say what some people don't want to say. If you are being a complete douche bag, but some people are "afraid" to tell you, then i'll tell you. I do not however go around bullying people or expressing my opinion to everyone. I learned as a kid to get over things that you cannot change.
Some people think it's unlady-like to swear. Tell me who wrote the 'How to Behave as a Woman' handbook and i'll have a few words with them. I don't see anything wrong with using curse words every now and then. I do not curse around kids or at work (unless I need to). Yes, there are ways to talk to people depending on the circumstance you are in. If you are in a professional environment of course you're not going to curse. Bottom line is if need be, there is nothing wrong with saying a curse word or ten. It's fun to just verbally slap the shit out of certain people.

Believe it or not, I do have manners. ha! :)

Ambitious Girl...

you'd rather chase your dreams than to try to chase these men...Ambitious Girl.