Wednesday, August 4, 2010

What's All The Fu#$@n' Fussin' For?!

I have been told before that I have no filter. Maybe I don't but most of the shit that comes out of my mouth is true. I don't take people's feeling into consideration a lot. Unless I genuinely care about them. That's not to say that I am a complete bitch. I say what some people don't want to say. If you are being a complete douche bag, but some people are "afraid" to tell you, then i'll tell you. I do not however go around bullying people or expressing my opinion to everyone. I learned as a kid to get over things that you cannot change.
Some people think it's unlady-like to swear. Tell me who wrote the 'How to Behave as a Woman' handbook and i'll have a few words with them. I don't see anything wrong with using curse words every now and then. I do not curse around kids or at work (unless I need to). Yes, there are ways to talk to people depending on the circumstance you are in. If you are in a professional environment of course you're not going to curse. Bottom line is if need be, there is nothing wrong with saying a curse word or ten. It's fun to just verbally slap the shit out of certain people.

Believe it or not, I do have manners. ha! :)


  1. I said once & I'll say again, I didn't sign up to be a lady, neverless have to act like one. But hey! lol I'm the same way, rarely will I curse in any of my blogs but sometimes you have to just say FACK it, Imma let this one blow.
