Tuesday, November 9, 2010
a friend once told me...
Thursday, October 14, 2010
year number three.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Friday, August 27, 2010
Wise Words.
Lord, I ask for courage ~
Courage to face and conquer my own fears ...
Courage to take me where others will not go ...
I ask for strength ~
Strength of body to protect others,
and strength of spirit to lead others ...
I ask for dedication ~
Dedication to my job, to do it well,
Dedication to my community, to keep it safe ...
Give me, Lord, concern for those who trust me,
and compassion for those who need me ...
And please, Lord, through it all,
be at my side .
She tied her hair up, in a tight bun,
As her husband whispers, "Be Careful hon",
Gun in her holster, bulletproof vest on,
with a kiss to her husband, she was gone.
She enters the station, big smile on her face,
She moves with such ease, so full of grace.
Her colleagues admired her, for she's nice and smart,
Uniform and badge, she plays the part.
For she is a wife, mother, and a cop,
Who earned her place, at the very top
she is one in a million, from all the rest,
tough and fair, the very best.
She has seen some things, we dread to see,
she does her job, to protect you and me,
She's been kicked at, spat on, cracked a rib or two,
she shakes it all off, to protect me and you.
There are times, where her life comes close to an end,
But thanks to the help, of her brave cop friends.
She does a job, that a few would dare do,
She does her job proudly, with a smile too.
And when she comes home, at the end of her shift,
Kids in her arms, as her husband gives her a kiss,
She knows she made it through, another long day,
For tomorrow might be different, so she just prays
Friday, August 20, 2010
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Wise Words.
— Haruki Murakami
Wise Words.
To My Soul Sistas.

I learned that although we want certain relationships to grow with each year, the reality is people change. Some for the better, others not so much. We meet different people every day, but some mean more than others. I have lost some friendships in the past. Just like a dating relationship we grow apart or have different plans in mind. The people who really mattered will always find a way back in our lives.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Currently Reading.
Relationship Blues
What's All The Fu#$@n' Fussin' For?!

Ambitious Girl...
Monday, July 26, 2010
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Sucka for a Love Song.

Men you date & men you marry.

The other day I came across an article on lust vs love that I seriously loved.
In a nut shell the article stated that some women make the mistake of being infatuated with the person who treats them poorly as opposed to the man who adores them and gives them the world. This is very true with a lot of women. I find that a lot of these women are either immature or have low self-esteem. Some are infatuated with the whole "thug" image and dream of dating drug dealers who in return beat and cheat on them.
From personal experience, when I was younger I didn't want the good guy because that meant we were going to date for a long time and I was not ready. But I was also a teenager. I learned that both good guys and the bad ones can break your heart, but realized that the stupid girl image was not for me.
The article refers to Jazmine Sullivan's song called "I'm in love with another man" which pretty much says "it's not you, it's me". Sound familiar? Wasn't long before I realized that some men do this too. Sometimes they feel like they don't deserve a good woman and instead would rather settle for less. Sometimes these situations leave the good person feeling unworthy, but the truth is they are better off with someone of the same caliber, someone grateful.

Of course the most popular trait of the bull is stubborn. The bull is mellow and hates change. We do not like being the center of attention and are fairly quiet until pushed over the limit. Then comes popular trait number two, bad temper. Taurus are known for their extreme temper and short fuse!
On the same hand we are super affectionate and romantics! We are very loving, caring, loyal and sensual.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Friday, June 11, 2010
When a Love Song Was Genuine
Just Listen: Lauryn Hill
Better Choices, Better Living

Thursday, June 10, 2010
Why Men Love Bitches
Women & Self-Worth
Friday, May 7, 2010
Dear Mama

Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Women Are Like Apples

Monday, April 26, 2010
Deputy Castro

Friday, March 26, 2010
Just Listen: Janet Jackson
Song: Nothing
Album: Why Did I Get Married Too?
There’s something I wanna say,
Something that I’ve been holding back
Can’t let it go another day
Let me start by saying that
Nothing, nothing, nothing, means more than the truth.
And truth is that I realize, love is fading from your eyes
Don’t know how it came to this, but we gonna get it fixed tonight
Cus nothing, nothing, nothing, is worth losing you
Tell me what could the problem be, that’s got you drinking way too much
What could it be ’bout us?
Don’t you tell me not right now, I can’t let it go
(I can’t let it go, no I can’t let it go, Oh nooo)
What can I do to help you see,
That there’s no need for jealousy or insecurities
I’ll do anything you want
You can even have the password to my phone
Because nothing, nothing, should come between us
Trust in me, trust in me
We should cherish every moment like it’s the last
Trust in me, trust in me
If your issues is with trust, hear me when I tell you this
No one else has shared my love, no one else has had your kiss
Nothing, nothing, nothing, can make me forget. (Noooo)
Forget that you’re a good man and I know that you've had it hard
Cus you’re more than adequate, you’re more than I wish for
Nothing, nothing, nothing, can make you any less.
Tell me what could the problem be,
The past is something I can’t change
It’s a brand new day
Don’t you tell me not right now,
I can’t let it go(I can’t let it go, no I can’t let it go, Oh nooo)
We've got to fix this, fix this right this minute
Only pure love can calm the noise
Cus baby when we give pure love
Pure love will never come back to us void
Because nothing, nothing
Should come between us
Trust in me, trust in me
We should cherish every moment like it’s the last
Trust in me Trust in me
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Just Watch: Best Beyonce Performance

Just Listen: Mariah Carey

Artist: Mariah Carey
Album: The Emancipation of Mimi
Song: Fly Like a Bird
The very first time I heard this song I was sitting in my CJ class in high school, I have yet to hear another song like this. While the pop culture is not open about the man upstairs, she actually performed this song at the Grammys and American Idol. It is perfect during stressful days or when you just need to hear something positive. keep your head up to the sky, with God's love you will survive! Just Listen...
Monday, March 22, 2010
Entrée Ain't As Good Without Something on the Side

I never understood why people in relationships cheat. Actually, I do. Because they are selfish, inconsiderate and insecure. Lately there has been a trend where these side pieces come out in the media and discuss their affairs with these stupid, famous men.

Everyone now knows how stupid and sick Tiger Woods is. Fifteen some-odd sl-ores Tiger? Really? In the midst of this scandal text messages, e-mails and voice mails were released. So aside from them being dumb they are attention whores.

Anyway, asshole number two just surfaced and he is no one other than Sandra Bullock's husband, Jesse James. Now, only one chick has come forward but as trashy as she is she makes up for Tiger's fifteen. The irony of this story is that Miss Congeniality took Jesse James from his ex-wife while she was pregnant. I guess the way you got him is the way you will eventually lose him. Karma.
These are just two men out of the sea of dishonest bastards who cheat. We do not know what goes on in anyone's relationships except our own, but if you want to cheat just be true to yourself and be single.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Just Listen: Trey Songz
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Just Listen: Mariah Carey
Song: Betcha Gon' Know
Album: The Memoirs of an Imperfect Angel
When I first heard this track I wasn't feeling it. As I listened a few more times, I became hooked! The song was co-written with The Dream, of course, and it is a classic MC track. You can definitely feel what she's going through, especially toward the end. Just Listen...